It's time to use content and copy that actually works

Stop trying to acquire new customers with weak messaging. Experience the difference of working with an expert copywriter to drive traffic and generate leads. Leverage bullsh*t-free content and persuasive web copy to convert visitors into customers. Let's transform your ideas into words that work and watch your business thrive.

Empower your website with every word

Every day, I help businesses just like yours succeed by creating hype-free content and copy that resonates with your audience. By understanding your business and customer needs, you'll get tailored copy that connects emotionally and drives action immediately.

My goal is simple: to state your value, connect with your customers, and boost your bottom line. Let's turn your website into a powerful tool that opens hearts, minds, and wallets.

Working with Wade as our SEO ghostwriter made a meaningful impact for Slang. His mastery of both short and long-tail keywords seamlessly blended into engaging blog posts, driving a noticeable increase in site traffic and effectively converting visits to demo requests. If you're looking to spice up your online presence and see tangible growth, Wade’s expertise in the hospitality niche is a recipe for success!

Patrick Calder
Head of Marketing at

I’ve hired Wade for a few different projects. Web copy, blog writing and assistance tuning up an automated email campaign. He’s always insightful, punctual and offers up compelling copy. He’s also just a super nice dude.

Michael Draper
Content Writer

Wade and I have worked together in various capacities for several years. Wade is a problem-solver who relishes the challenges of creating compelling content that ranks and converts. I highly recommend him for your copywriting needs.

Joseph Graham
Founder Two Wolves Creative

Wade is easily the best writer I've ever worked with in the niches of food, cooking, and restaurant marketing. He's a talented writer in general, but his firsthand experience as a cook, bartender, and server really shine through in his work. He creates content with exceptional substance and highly relevant, real-life examples, and in addition to being one of my personal go-to hires, I also frequently receive glowing reviews from every person I refer him to.

Jacob McMillen
Content Director at

As a brand new company, building a brand new market category that was further in the process of launching a new website specifically built for SEO and key search term ranking. It was extremely valuable to work with Wade as he first helped educate us on key best practices and then proceeded by following up with exactly what he promised. Quality work end to end.

Frazer Nagy
CEO of Tablz

Wade has been fantastic to work with—he’s communicative, collaborative, and adaptable. Outsourcing content to someone I know will produce quality content that fits our brand voice with a quick turnaround and minimum editing has been a breath of fresh air.

Ashley McNally
Digital Marketing Manager at Poached Jobs

Content writing

The importance of strategically written content to enhance SEO can’t be overstated. 71% of all clicks on Google go to the top ten organic search results on the first page. Researching, planning, and writing effective content burns daylight faster than having fun on a summer day.

Compelling content doesn’t happen by accident. Guessing what people want or copying your competition doesn’t help you stand out, and it’s a great way to waste money.

The only way to make it work is to focus on your target audience. What keywords are they entering in a search engine? What do they do in their day-to-day life? What kinds of problems are they facing? What do they need help with?
When done correctly, strategically written content shows customers and search engines that your site is the go-to source for your niche or industry. The content builds upon itself with each post until the answer to the question “where do I go for help?” inherently becomes you.

If you’re ready to stop playing the guessing game, ready to stop wasting time, and are looking to own content that gets results with more leads, customers, and higher-ranking SEO, click the button below, and let’s get to work.

Website copywriting

Imagine trying to find your way around a dark room. You’re stumbling about with arms outstretched till you finally land on the light switch. Once the lights are on, it’s easy to navigate the room.

Compelling copywriting is the light switch and the light. People don’t want to navigate dark rooms or unclear websites, so turning on the lights needs to be as easy as landing on your page. Every word needs to turn the lights brighter; the more they read, the more they see.

I take the light and shine it directly on the value you offer people so they can connect with your product or service. Make a connection, make more sales, make a difference in people’s lives.
If you want copy that works like floodlights in a football stadium, hit the button below and let’s get to work.